Jobra K. Mulumba (PhD)

Chairperson University Council

Dr. Mulumba serves as the chairperson of the university council at Africa Renewal University. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.), CPA, MBA, PhD. Accounting and Business/Management, Not for profit management.


He is a Certified Public Accountant with wealth of over 20 years’ experience in accounting, finance, accounting, marketing, fraud investigations and organizational behavior. His specialties are Micro finance institutions, not for profit organizations and business related organizations. He has worked in over 20 countries around the world, lectured in professional accounting schools and a university.

His PhD research at Walden University (USA) specialized in Not for profit management. The study aimed at auditing to the international efforts of creating an international financial reporting framework for NFPOs. This study has greatly increased transparency, understandability, uniformity, comparability and consequently donor funding while reducing corruption.